Our Presence

Our law firm has offices in the three biggest cities in Greece:  (Piraeus, Thessaloniki and Patra) and maintains  an extensive network of collaborating lawyers, bailiffs and notaries with high business ethics and academic knowledge in order to provide our clients with personalized and high-quality legal services, all over Greece, while maintaining centralized management and reporting.

Address: N. Falirou 6A, 182 33 Ag. Ioannis Renti

Telephone: (+30) 213 017 5600
Fax: (+30) 213  017 5699

Address: Nikiforou Ouranou 3, 54627, Thessaloniki

Telephone: (+30) 231 600 5800
Fax: (+30) 231 600 5899

Address: Av. Otto-Amalias 65, 26221, Patras

Telephone: (+30) 261 022 6549
Fax: (+30) 261 024 2971

Address: Splaiul Unirii 76, River Plaza Tower A, Etaj 7, sector 4, Bucuresti, Cod Poștal: 040037 

Telephone: (+40) 0372 171 778
Fax: (+40) 0372 171 779