SmithNovak Global NPL Summit, 27-28 September, London | Greek panel
With only two days left for the NPL Global Summit by SmithNovak, taking place in the #Pullman Hotel St. Pancras on the 27th and 28th of September, don’t miss Stamatis Foteinogiannopoulos, our Operations Manager, who will appear as a speaker on the Greek panel, moderated by Ian Ma, Director, EY, UK, along with Theo Mathikolonis, Executive Director, Corporate Portfolios & Underwriting , Quant, GR, Christos Masouras, Head of Transactions, National Bank of Greece, GR, Viktor Levkanic, Distressed Debt and Special Situations, Deva Capital , UK, and Ioannis Sakarelis, Business Development Manager Greece/Cyprus, Debitos, GR, to exchange views on how the servicing market is evolving in Greece, the emerging trends and the role of the major Servicers.
See you there!
Σιούφας & Συνεργάτες | Γιώργος Σιούφας | Μάριος Σιούφας
For More Info
Contact the secretariat of the Legal Services Directorate at telephone: 213 017 5600, or send an email to and we will contact you immediately.