The protection of artificial intelligence systems (AI) and intellectual property | Article by Marios Sioufas | LAWYER – The Business Magazine

Protecting artificial intelligence with intellectual property is one of the most crucial topics nowadays, since the rapid development of artificial intelligence is testing intellectual property law, resulting in challenges to merging works and creations made by AI applications. Don’t miss Marios Sioufas’s article about the protection of artificial intelligence systems (AI) and intellectual property, first published by Boussias for the Lawyer Magazine, September-October, Issue 28.
The protection of trade secrets, computer programs, database constructors, and patent protection are only some of the key points covered and analyzed in this insightful article.
Άρθρο κου. Μάριου Δ. Σιούφα, Αναπληρωτή Διευθύνοντος Εταίρου / Deputy Managing Partner Δικηγορικής Εταιρείας Σιούφας και Συνεργάτες
Σιούφας & Συνεργάτες | Γιώργος Σιούφας | Μάριος Σιούφας
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