We successfully represented one of the biggest confectionary companies in Europe | Sioufas and Associates

January 23, 2025

We successfully represented one of the biggest confectionary companies in Europe, before the Athens Court of Appeal, against a local merchant who claimed damages and compensation, based on an allegedly exclusive distribution agreement.

Our law firm was represented by Mr.Konstantinos Konstantellos, who successfully argued that the relationship was not exclusive and that the seller had the right to appoint other distributors as well. The Court found no evidence of an exclusive distribution relationship and therefore ruled that there is no basis for the claimed damages. More importantly, the Court emphasized the need of the exclusivity element to be present in the relationship and the fact that the appellant chose for his own reasons, not to sell competitive products of other distributors, was a business decision, that could not affect the legal character of the agreement.

Σιούφας & Συνεργάτες | Γιώργος Σιούφας | Μάριος Σιούφας

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