The next video οf the “Ask the Expert” series is coming | Cadastre and respective deadlines | Sioufas and Associates

May 18, 2023

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After your enthusiastic participation in the poll for the next episode of our series, “Ask The Expert,” we are excited to announce the chosen topic: Cadastre and respective deadlines.

Join us on May 23rd and get answers to many of your questions about the ongoing process of cadastral registration and the deadlines for declaring property rights in the respective areas.

Thank you for your continuing interest and support!

Σιούφας & Συνεργάτες | Γιώργος Σιούφας | Μάριος Σιούφας

For More Info

Επικοινωνήστε με τη γραμματεία της Διεύθυνσης Νομικών Υπηρεσιών στο τηλ.: 213 017 5600, ή στείλτε mail στο και θα επικοινωνήσουμε άμεσα μαζί σας.


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